Saturday, May 2, 2009

Feminist Blog

I went to a blog titled and I was surprised by what I found. There was a post right at the top of the page for sex advice and how people wrote into the blog with sexual questions and they were responded to by whoever runs it. There is also plenty of stuff about gay and transexual rights and I thought that was also an interesting subject topic but at the same time I figured it was something that would find its place on a feminist blog. I personally have never visited a feminist blog and so I wasn't sure what I'd find while I was there. The second post from the top was about how New Hampshire is not very interested in Transgender rights. The post does bring up some good points and the people who are voting for gay rights in New Hampshire are also voting against laws that protect transgendered people from discrimination. This is a great post because it definitely points out the inconsistencies of politicians and how bureaucratic our government really is. 
The more I read and understand what people right on blogs the more I feel like this is the future of how we get our news. It doesn't make sense to buy into the crap that is on T.V and this stuff is written by people who really care about the issues. They may have biases but at the same time they are private individuals and should be allowed to have those. It helps me get a better idea of how a person of that mindset thinks about particular issues and rationalizes their thoughts. 

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