Saturday, May 2, 2009


This article talks about how the possibility of the swine flu may actually be more dangerous than many are writing it off it be. As with pandemics of the past the Swine Flu may have a more violent second wave a few months from now when the disease may take on much more deadly characteristics. It is also interesting that some of the leading authorities on this disease are actually looking back to records as far back as 90 years ago on how to possibly protect ourselves against mounting cases and possible catastrophe. 
The interesting thing is that in class, we have discussed that the Swine Flu seems to be getting over played on the news and the media is just trying to milk this topic for all that it is worth. I feel like it only makes sense that the media would just love this story and that its a great way for them to make money By creating panic the media is able to exploit the masses and use fear to make themselves a buck. It also is an issue that can call into question the legitimacy of the media and if they are hurting our country with their constant coverage 24 hours a day. Give me a break, we live in America, we aren't Mexico. Mexico is a totally different country and the reason why people are dying there is because of overpopulation and unsanitary conditions. In America, if you get sick you go to the doctor, if you can't get better on your own, you go to the hospital. I think the media is just taking advantage of all of the worry wort soccer moms who freak out if their kid skins their shins while riding their bike. If you would like to buy into all of the hysteria please read this article on CNN it will help you sleep better at night. NOT!

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