One word comes to mind after thinking about what I had viewed, "Clowns". This is not because these men are conservative nuts or because they lack the professionalism that people in the news should have. Who the hell would interview someone who believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy? Did I miss something when Fox News considered itself a news channel? How can people take the news seriously or with any type of validity with crap like this on the air? I can only come up with one conclusion, it makes them money! These guys are as bad as used car salesman, use emotion, use a bit of touch up paint and you can fool anyone into believing what you're selling is the best stuff around. This is the garbage that people who may be emotionally attached to an issue can really get upset about and then decide that Hannity and Colmes are legit because they are standing up for "what America believes in and whats good for democracy". I look for the reason why they wouldn't do a story about something that really matters instead of interviewing a man who is insane and claiming that the U.S planned the attacks on 9/11 and its just a huge coverup. That's bull, the truth is that some people in this world don't like us, live with it. Grow up, stop pointing your finger at the government and realize that its just because mommy and daddy didn't love you and you want attention.
Hannity and Colmes, you guys should know better than to do this to our country if you're all about protecting democracy and supporting the conservative right. This kind of infotainment is NOT news and shouldn't be on a major news network. Another thing, let your guest finish a sentence before cutting them off and going on a personal attack, you both are incredibly transparent and irritating.
This relates to class because we talk about how the media is a business and how it really looks for great stories in order to get peoples attention. Fox is probably one of the best at doing this because they go to the extreme in almost everything they do. The best part is that, as long as you aren't oblivious, you can see that Fox is always about selling information to its viewership and maintaining its overbearing Republican overtones that have helped polarize the American public. These kinds of shows are dangerous to the fabric of the society we live in and should be shut down before they destroy us from within.
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